
I am a political science student studying at a university in Canada. For the sake of keeping my anonymity, I won’t divulge which university it is.  Just like any other social science student, my aim is either to get into Grad school and complete my masters and PhD or write my LSAT and pursue a law degree.  My main passion is academia.  I would really love to get my masters and PhD and become a professor as I think I would contribute a lot to the literature of my discipline.  But unfortunately, life doesn’t always work out the way one hopes it would and so I have to keep my options open.  That is why I am working towards my LSAT exam.I am in the midst of the final year of my BA. I may or may not pursue an International Relations degree as well, but I am not completely sure about that.  It all depends on my circumstances.  So we’ll see how all of that goes.  Its certainly going to be an interesting year, that’s for sure.

So in light of all of this, I have decided to create this little blog to chronicle my life, my thoughts, and my opinions in the context of a student.  You’ll find everything from the useful to the useless and everything in between here.  I think the life of a student is the best.  With all its hardships and stresses, I’d still rather be a student and live in the world of academia than anything else.  A student’s life is the best life!


  1. Jarrett
    February 13, 2008 at 12:36 am

    I just got to your blog through the berta stelmach story and read your post. U don’t divulge the part of the country your from which I can respect. Although, if I were a blogger I would feel inclined to disclose my location as it gives more perspective and weight to ones opinions about the realities, challenges and opportunities that face alberta.
    I’m albertan born and raised and grew up during klein. (ouch for the most part) policy will improve from ralph, although i’m not sure how much. Personally, I don’t think it is fair to completetly pass judgement on stelmach yet. He hasn’t had a mandate, although his enviro proposed policy is fairly weak, but he does get credit for making a politically difficult decision with the royalties knowing full well he would take heat from both sides regardless.

    Until we albertans demand more from our government we will only get changed in baby doses. Them be my thoughts.

  2. December 8, 2008 at 2:57 pm

    good luck man, my buddy is in his first year of law school too and he’s going a little crazy, ha. By the way the article about the robbery is hilarious.

  3. February 12, 2009 at 1:29 pm

    Wow. That’s exactly the same route I am planning on taking (Political Science, then off to Law School). I’m definitely going to subscribe!

  4. February 13, 2009 at 2:36 am

    Good luck Micheal! Poli will be an amazing experience for you!

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